
How To Get More Reviews For Your Google Business Profile (GBP)

You’ve diligently implemented key local SEO strategies, covering website optimisation, Google Business Profile (GBP) setup, and backlink building. Despite these efforts, a notable absence of reviews persists, a critical aspect neither you nor your client can overlook. 

The article, therefore, seeks to explore strategies to fortify your clients’ local SEO through the proactive acquisition of customer reviews.

Newnormz Article 26 review

Source: Freepik

The Importance of GBP Reviews

Beyond being mere testimonials, reviews significantly shape potential customers’ perceptions of local businesses, which is intricately tied to your search engine rankings. Before purchasing, prospective customers habitually turn to online platforms, primarily Google, to peruse reviews. 

Positive reviews can instil eagerness in potential customers to engage with a business, fostering a positive predisposition. Conversely, unaddressed negative reviews can act as a deterrent, underscoring the need for active reputation management.

Notably, the influence of reviews extends beyond the business website, surfacing prominently on platforms like Google Maps, commonly known as a local pack. When users search for specific terms like “best Thai restaurant in PJ,” reviews featuring such keywords are pivotal in determining search results. This reliance on user-generated content highlights Google’s trust in the authenticity and relevance of word-of-mouth information.

local map pack result for best thai restaurant in PJ

In essence, both users and search engines share a common objective – the quest for relevant and reliable information. Just as Google sifts through web content to deliver accurate information, users turn to reviews to inform their decisions. Reviews, essentially crowd-sourced recommendations, contribute significantly to higher rankings on SERPs, creating a symbiotic relationship between user opinions and search engine algorithms.

How to Get More Local Reviews

To garner more reviews, proactive efforts are crucial. Customers often don’t spontaneously write reviews, and dissatisfied ones are usually more motivated. Take the following steps to encourage reviews for your GBP:

  1. Request Reviews Promptly

Promptly ask for reviews, especially for local businesses. Capture your customer’s feedback while their experience is fresh, as delays may diminish their likelihood of contributing.

  1. Employ Physical Reminders

Enhance the likelihood of reviews by creating physical reminders. Incorporate review prompts like “Review us on Google!” on business cards, receipts, or display signs near the cash register. Remember, your offline actions impact your online results.

  1. Implement Automated Follow-up Emails

After a purchase, inform your customers about the review request and include links to preferred review sites. Track email performance and gain insights to enhance your review reports.

  1. Embed Prompts on the Website

Place visible notes on your website urging feedback, with links to Google, Facebook, and other platforms. Integrate features for direct reviews on your site, such as pop-ups post-purchase or follow-up emails.

Include Google review prompts on website with CTA button
  1. Offer Clear Instructions

Provide detailed instructions, including screenshots, to simplify the review process. Include them in email campaigns or as physical copies for distribution.

  1. Solicit Google Reviews on Social Media

Leverage the extensive reach of social media by employing strategies like posting review links and creating engaging content to drive users to your GBP profile.

Newnormz Article

Source: Freepik

To get a review link from your GBP, you can follow the following steps:

  1. Sign in to the registered Gmail account for your Business Profile and click on ‘Google Reviews’.
Click on the Google reviews link.
  1. The review window will appear. Click on the ‘Get more reviews’ button.
The review pop-up window will launch.
  1. The review link will be displayed. Click on the email, WhatsApp, or Facebook buttons to share the links directly to the respective platforms, or copy the review link to share it on other platforms.
Share the review links to email, WhatsApp, or Facebook, or copy the link.

Why Including Keywords in Your Responses Matters?

Responding to reviews is not just about acknowledging feedback; it’s an opportunity to enhance your online visibility. Including relevant keywords in your replies is crucial for improving your Google Business Profile’s (GBP) search ranking. When you incorporate keywords related to your business, services, or products, you increase the chances of your GBP appearing higher in search results, making it more accessible to potential customers.

Including keyword in the reply for a client’s review on GBP

You may not be aware, but if reviews frequently include particular keywords, they will appear in the ‘People Often Mention’ section.

Newnormz Article 26 people often mention

Addressing Google Reviews

When customers take the time to share their experience through a review, it reflects their level of engagement. It’s essential to respond to reviews whenever feasible as a gesture of goodwill. Responding not only fosters customer loyalty but also demonstrates to potential customers your dedication to your business.

Effective Tips for Review Responses

Positive reviews: Express gratitude to customers for positive feedback, conveying appreciation for their business.

Negative reviews: Handling negative reviews is challenging, but it’s inevitable to encounter them occasionally. Try to acknowledge the customer’s concerns, validate their issues, and explore possible resolutions. For instance, if a customer expresses dissatisfaction with services, suggest discussing the matter further via phone.

Mixed reviews: Some reviews may have predominantly positive content with a minor concern. In such cases, express appreciation for the positive aspects and acknowledge the customer’s concern.

Positive, negative or mixed reviews


By adhering to these tips for acquiring and responding to reviews promptly, you not only effectively engage with your audience but also enhance the overall strength and visibility of your GBP in online searches. Addressing concerns in negative reviews with helpful solutions further underscores your commitment to customer satisfaction and dedication to resolving issues. Adopting these practices ensures your business remains responsive, trustworthy, and customer-focused in the eyes of your audience.

Learn from our SEO consultants in Malaysia about the 8 benefits of responding to reviews on your GBP. Our guide on optimising GBP for your local success can be helpful to you, too.

Here are other guides on GBP optimisation:


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